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Features of functioning social dialogue in an educational space
ORCID ID 0000-0002-5900-0852
Iryna Petrenko
Петренко І.В. Особливості функціонування соціального діалогу в просторі освіти
Стаття присвячена виявленню основних комунікативних принципів організації соціального діалогу в освітньому просторі. Соціальний діалог розглянуто як багатогранний процес з визначення та зближення позицій, досягнення спільних домовленостей та прийняття узгоджених рішень його учасниками. Зазначено, що найважливішими принципами розгортання процесу комунікативної взаємодії у сфері освіти є принципи діалогічної партиціпації і кооперації. Відзначено, що діалогічна партиціпація виявляється через партнерство, співробітництво, співпричетність, взаєморозуміння, залучування особистості до вирішення гострих соціальних проблем. Відмічено, що принцип кооперації базується на положеннях, за якими учасники діалогу мають бути зрозумілими для інших, відкритими, ефективними і доречними у своїх висловлюваннях. У ролі технології організації соціального діалогу для вивчення тенденцій розвитку освітнього закладу використано метод SWOT-аналізу.
Ключові слова: принцип діалогічної партиціпації, принцип кооперації, соціальна технологія, комунікативна взаємодія, навички спілкування, освітнє середовище.

Петренко И.В. Особенности функционирования социального диалога в образовательном пространстве
Статья посвящена раскрытию основных коммуникативных принципов организации социального диалога в образовательном пространстве. Социальный диалог рассматривается как многогранный процесс по определению и сближению позиций, достижению совместных договоренностей и принятию согласованных решений его участниками. Отмечено, что важнейшими принципами, позволяющими развернуть процесс коммуникативного взаимодействия в сфере образования, являются принципы диалогической партиципации и кооперации. Акцентировано внимание на том, что диалогическая партиципация проявляется в партнерстве, сотрудничестве, взаимопонимании, сопричастности и выражается в привлечении личности к решению острых социальных проблем. Принцип кооперации базируется на положениях, согласно которым участники диалога должны быть понятными для других, открытыми, эффективными и уместными в своих высказываниях. В качестве технологии организации социального диалога для изучения тенденций развития образовательного учреждения использован метод SWOT-анализа.
Ключевые слова: принцип диалогической партиципации, принцип кооперации, социальная технология, коммуникативное взаимодействие, навыки общения, образовательное пространство.

Iryna Petrenko. Features of functioning social dialogue in an educational space
The article is devoted to the disclosure of basic communication principles of the organization of social dialogue in an educational space. Social dialogue is seen as a multi-faceted process to identify and rapprochement, the achievement of collaborative arrangements and consistent decision-making by the participants. Noted, that the most important principles of the deployment process of communicative interaction in education are the principles of dialogic participation and cooperation. Indicated, that dialogic participation is manifested in partnership, cooperation, mutual understanding, engaging personality to solving pressing social problems. The principle of cooperation is based on the provisions under which participants in the dialogue should be clear for others, fair, effective and appropriate in their statements. SWOT analysis method was used in this study as the technology to organize social dialogue for research features and trends of development of an educational institution.
Keywords: principle of dialogic participation, principle of cooperation, social technology, communicative interaction, social skills, educational environment.

Psychological study on the deployment of social dialogue in the educational environment, optimizing dialogic interaction, using its positive potential for further social development is very important. Dialogue is determined by the inter-subjective character of relationships, assertiveness form of communication, when a person is able to defend their point of view, without violating moral rights of another, is able to optimally respond to the criticism, making its behavior flexible and divergent. This communicative interaction manifested through of symmetry bilateral relations, equality and reciprocity of its participants.
In dialogue communicators are seeking to resolve common problems and approach the goal, given the different views of its partners. Realization of dialogue associated with verification, substantiation and protection of their beliefs, with statements constructive criticism from others, from the possibility of changes in the discussion process, finding common ground, given differences. Dialogue acts are not only as teaching method and form of training and education, and is defined as the priority principle of schooling.
Note also that the discussion of global and national issues, such as reforming the national education sector should be carried out not just within dialogic communication, and within its specific forms – social dialogue. In general, social dialogue – a multifaceted process of definition and convergence positions, achieve common understandings and adoption of agreed decisions of its participants. In addition, social dialogue – conversation of individuals, carriers of socially important values, dialogue of cultures, ideologies, dialogue of consciousness. But at the same time, social dialogue this is the most important systemic and functional characteristics of a developed society, its special status, the level of maturity of the social relations that characterize a free and equal exchange of information [3].
The purpose of the article is to define the basic principles of deployment of social dialogue in the educational environment and the psychological mechanisms of its functioning.
These basic principles of deployment of dialogue as an equity, freedom, tolerance, focus on consensus, social co-creation, compromise, social solidarity, partnership and finally, dialogic participation and cooperation make dialogue not only a means of communication and knowledge, but also an important form of social interaction. So dialogue becomes a social dialogue, it becomes a meaningful way of adjustment and constructing social environment including education.
Note, that participation and attracting personalities to address its tasks is considered by researchers as a promising direction in the development of modern psychology. Psychological participation (involvement, implication) is defined as a dimension of human functioning in society. Study of these phenomena, will guide further scientific research to obtain new knowledge about comprehensive understanding of the laws regulating individual behavior. Participation is revealed through partnership, complicity in public life, the awakening of self-identity of personality, its involvement in solving social problems (conflicts), sense of responsibility for their own actions, the assimilation of values, democratic traditions, dialogical communication skills (discussion, explanation, proof, clarification etc.), the ability to serve the interests of the social environment.
Participation refers to an individual's behavior, manifested in the expansion of person's rights, because the cooperation within the qualification, job or professional duties not regarded as participation. In addition, participation as a conscious interaction can occur between actors that are interdependent of each other. Another important characteristic of participation process is its openness to all participants of communication, that is, any hidden behavior, sensitive information, latent intentions are not objects to joint discussion. At the same time, an important mechanism of participation is right of companions to free expression of their opinion.
Thus, the principle of dialogue participation as one of the basic principles of deployment communicative process posits that effective dialogic interaction occurs between equal, interdependent entities open to dialogue, in free utterance of opinion, involved for the joint task and take part in its implementation. In our opinion, only in the process of dialogic interaction, participants have the ability to acquire critical and positive thinking, freedom to communicate, create relationships of partnerships, are able to create new values and meanings, choose different ways to further personal development and self-transformation. Without dialogue in all its forms, no communication, and without communication there can be partnerships, mutual understanding, achieve joint result.
In modern scientific research of verbal communication formulated and applied the maxims (rules, regulations) of dialogue are based on another principle of communication – a principle of cooperation (P. Grice). According to this principle, an actor of communicative interaction joins the conversation at the stage where this is necessary (need), understanding the purpose or direction of dialogue, in which he participates. The principle is based on the provisions under which participants in the dialogue should be clear for others, fair, effective and appropriate in their statements [1, 2, 5].
Method of SWOT analysis, which is used in this study, invented by researchers at Stanford University (the author – Albert Humphrey [6]), allowed to identify the communicative intentions of subjects by communication in the process of dialogue and simulate their participation directions in solving actual problems in an educational environment.
SWOT analysis method was used in this study as the technology to organize social dialogue for research features and tendency of development of an educational institution. Whereby, a significant number of diagnostic facts were summarized. This method is used to compare the data analysis of the internal and external environment of the institution, its positive and negative characteristics. Technology SWOT-analysis provides primarily identify strengths (S) and weaknesses (W), opportunities (O) and threats (T), establishes the relationship between these elements that allows us to formulate the mental model of integrated actions to achieve the objectives of the organization in general or implementing personal strategies of dialogic interaction in particular.
The main principles of this analysis are:
 Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of educational institution in various conditions.
 Awareness of the opportunities and perspectives appearing.
 Understanding of the hazards, risks arising from changing circumstances.
The essence of the elements of SWOT:
Strengths (S) – positive internal elements, that make it possible to adapt and compete, they give for an educational institution or any person of additional priorities.
Weaknesses (W) – negative internal elements, that point to the lack of inner resources and does not allow the use the ability to counter a threats that put an educational institution or a subject's of communication into adverse conditions of their activity.
Opportunities (O) – positive external elements, environmental factors that promote development, provide opportunities for innovation.
Threats (T) – the negative external factors hindering the development of the institution or subject, leaving them without significant competitive advantages [6].
Investigated in the process of the SWOT-analysis factors external and internal environment turned a lot, but among them selected only by those that most characterize the activities of educational institutions and have significantly affect on their employees. Miscalculations in the analysis or underestimation of any of the analyzed components may further adversely affect the implementation of the action plan and strategies for the transformation of the institution or individual communication. So how SWOT-analysis does not include economic categories, it can be applied to any organization, group or individual actors to build strategies for their development in various areas. For example, when it comes to analysis of the school activity, ascertain of strengths and weaknesses elements (S–W), which will affect for all components, belonging to the internal organization of school life (school organization, management issues, relationships in the collective etc.). When it comes to analysis of the elements opportunities and threats (O–T), it will be related to research of external factors (educational standards and programs, textbooks, educational policy, educational economy, the situation in society etc.).
Using procedures SWOT-technology enable to analyze peculiarities of functioning of middle school which identified in the process of dialogue participation of subjects of communication. This enabled participants to identify communicative intentions of social dialogue in the system "teacher – school education"; to reveal the factors of efficiency /inefficiency educational institution; find out the possibility that stimulate its development; outline the reasons that prevent the manifestation of its substantial competitive advantages; helps to find new favorable conditions for solving organizational problems [4].
The advantages that allow educational institutions to compete and have an additional priority: high professional level of teachers (educators are a creative professionals, many teachers have a higher qualifying category, teachers regularly attend training, teachers make use of a special purpose sites to enrich their experience, etc.). Education, centered on learner (school kids are motivated to the self-improvement and to the personal growth, given much attention to the constant development of the school kids, the talented learners are a prize winners of pupils' Olympiad. Status of the educational institution (educational institution with established traditions, deserve of a high reputation, is a modern public institution). Support innovation (modern logistical support, cooperation with research institutes and universities). Moreover among the positive internal elements is providing quality educational services (in-depth study of educational disciplines, the study of foreign languages, functioning of school clubs, sports clubs, elective courses by basic disciplines).
During the dialogue participation identified "weaknesses" sides of the educational institution, that put it into unfavorable conditions of working. Among them: very strict regulation of the educational process (inability to choose curriculum, programs); prevalence of traditional or obsolete approaches to learning (outdated curriculum, teacher works on the traditional model in the presentation of educational materials, fears to experiment).
Insufficient links with the social partners (not any relationship with extra-budgetary organizations, commercial institutions for the activation possibilities and finding new resources. not felt the full support of the parent council; weak linkages with foreign partners in exchange programs and internships). Low motivation work of teachers (limited financial capacity of teachers and schools, "burnout effect").
During the situational analysis identified factors that stimulate the development of educational institution, namely: innovative development (using Internet technologies, introduction of innovative technologies of developing training, development of distance learning). Providing new high-quality educational services (opening of new profiles and areas of learning, expanding the number groups by interest).
Increasing qualification of teachers (assimilation they of new methods and technologies of training). Social partnership (ability to participate in international exchange programs and internships, involvement of the social partners to address issues related to the development of the school; outsourcing specialists and consultants to enrich the experience of activation of opportunities to find new ideas and resources).
Determined external negative factors hindering the effective functioning of school in particular and educational sector in general: the deepening crisis in society (total instability in the country; unstable funding, fear of unemployment, non-payment of wages or it's reductions, unfavorable demographic changes, exacerbation of crime situation, the deepening of global environmental crisis); aggressive social environment (military aggression, occupation of territories, terrorist threat, negative impact of media).
Changes in basic values and lifestyles (reduction in demand for educational services by changing tastes and needs, changes in lifestyles, high level of stratification of the population). Social insecurity of teachers (the absence of programs to protection for teachers, the existence of social stereotype "be a teacher is demeaning"). Lack of social dialogue: unreasoned normative legal regulations of the state's legislative and executive powers disinterest in cooperation on the part of public and charitable organizations.
Therefore, we investigated the social dialogue as an externally determined process, which define inner willingness of the individual to participation and take the form of communicative interaction between subjects for the transform the social environment.
It is shown that the dialogical participation as the mechanism of formation of social activity of subjects of communication is carried out on the individual, organizational and social levels.
The features of the dialogical participation in the system "teacher – school education" studied through methodical procedures of SWOT, during which define intentions of participants of the social dialogue, revealed social and personal factors communicative efficiency / inefficiency of communication subjects in the school environment.
Consequently, the principles of dialogic participation and cooperation are the most important principles of the communicative process. They postulate that effective dialogic interaction can occur between the equal, interdependent personalities open to dialogue, in the process of free utterance of opinion and implementation the common objectives. However, the dialogic participation is a major mechanism regulating individual communicative behavior, manifested through partnership, collaboration, cooperation, mutual understanding to solve pressing social problems.

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