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Understanding in the inter-generational space: dialogization of relations

Dovgan N.O., Kyiv
The article analyses the social request to resolve problems of inter-generational relations appeared due to transformation of the traditional foundations in different life areas. The concepts of the researching stages to reveal the system of relations in the inter-generational space are presented. The criteria for differentiation of generations are determined: age psychological characteristics, socio-historical events, behavioural strategies. The “social generation” concept interpretation in the historical context; time terms of generation’s activities having social impacts, functional boundaries between generations are highlighted. The article presents the developed two-component model of the socio-psychological space of generations, the structure of the generational community mental system. Three generations of Children, Parents, and Grandparents are determined based on the database clustering procedure. The results of the performed factor analysis outline factors to improve mutual understanding in relations, to determine dialogical barriers, to optimize understanding during dialogues between generations. The article argues necessity to add conventional communication tools to the defined psychological mechanisms of understanding between generations and proposes the technology to dialogize relations of generational communities as a means of understanding optimization. The principles, conditions and means for achievement of the objective: understanding optimization in inter-generation space are substantiated.
Keywords: generations of Children, Parents, and Grandparents, mutual understanding in relations, dialogue between generations, technology.

Challenging problem. Transformation of the traditional foundations of different life areas: social and political, scientific and cultural, economic and educational has made more complex inter-generational communication, and led to the need to expand the range of social interactions for achievement of understanding at different levels (interpersonal, intergroup, international), to find content, tools, forms, conditions for relation optimization.
Scientific studies focused at universal communication issues (I.D. Bekh, S.D. Maksymenko, T.M. Titarenko, N.V. Chepeleva and others), dialogical ways of group interactions (O.O. Bodalev, S.L. Bratchenko, G.O. Kovalev, G.S. Kostiuk and others), optimization of communication in the educational sphere (T.V. Dutkevich, V.V. Kuzmenko, M.I. Lisina, Z.G. Kysarchuk and others), development of techniques for dialogic interactions in counselling and psychotherapy (A.Ya. Varga, F.E. Vasilyuk, G.L. Stankevich and others), communicative characteristics and patterns (V.M. Duhnevych, O.M. Kochubeynyk, V.P. Kazmirenko, Z.F. Sivers and others) have identified important aspects of the nature of inter-generational communication and potential psychological opportunities of a dialogue. An actual social request to disclose dialogue opportunities in solving of the problems of inter-generational relations as the content of people’s relationships in a particular social institution, as a means of two-way information exchange, as a legitimate form of inter-generational relationships, as a condition for coordination to harmonize functioning of different social institutions has justified searching of constructive psychological controlling techniques and determined the purpose of our work - to investigate the causes of relations complications and to develop a communicative techniques aimed at understanding optimization in the inter-generational space.
Presentation of the main material. Basing on the approaches proposed by O.I. Bondarchuk, L. Karamushka [5] as for the structure of psychological technologies, we propose the next main components-stage of our study of the system relations in the inter-generational space: semantic informational, diagnostic, correctional and developmental stages. So, we analyzed during the semantic informational stage of our study the theoretical approaches to the functional space of generations as social groups and defined, on the basis of the ideas of K. Mannheim [7] T.V. Vodolazhskaya, N.L. Katsuk [3], the criteria of generation differentiation: age psychological characteristics as features of psychic organization of human life in a changing world at different stages of ontogeny; social and historical events influencing formation of new patterns of relationships and behaviour in the process of adaptation to changes in social conditions of existence; behavioural strategies as the definition of universal characteristics inherent to representatives of different generations in the socio-cultural and family role-playing aspects.
Because of absence in the academic world of unambiguous interpretation of the boundaries of generations’ formation, blossoming, or decline-aging, the time terms of generation’s social activities having social impacts are determined by us as a time period of about 25-30 years from coming to age (18 years), when, at first step of its formation, a generation is focused on separation, distancing from the previous one and struggles for social dominance, and, at the other half of their social life, it becomes historically effective, but the cost for such leadership is its struggle to the end of its social life with the pressure of its offspring. As for formulation of functional boundaries between generations of Children, Parents, Grandparents, such boundaries were outlined by us based on (1) substantial social and historical events, (2) generational traits acquired during life, and (3) characteristics of relations. Historical events influence gradually on a generation’s "face" and social consciousness, which, in turn, determines the relations of the generation as a small social group of people united by functional roles and responsibilities, values, formed in their joint life; the generation as a large social group of people born within definite time interval, which mental system is formed under influence of important historical events; the social generational community that covers an assemblage of real individuals, united by common characteristics of their generation, social positions that determine effectiveness of inter-generational relations and possibilities of mutual understanding.
The performed theoretical analysis of the nature and meaning of the “generation” concept is presented in the two-component model of the system of the socio-psychological generational space with its structural elements: generation’s social attitudes, social views, values that form generation’s unity as a social community, the resulting product of their activities is the mental system of the generational community. In turn, the mental structure of the generational community system consist of two components: social positions (entelechies) of the generation, determining generation’s status in the society, efficiency of relations in the inter-generational space, regulating behaviour in accordance with life conditions and situations; and a habit as a socio-psychological characteristics determining a “generation’s image” in the cultural and historical context [1; 8]. The theoretical model takes also into account social transformation of the mental system of the generational community that is dipping gradually during uninterrupted formation into the social and cultural processes, and acquires the ability to define social roles, choose appropriate actions in accordance with the historical situation, becomes an agent of conscious and purposeful social relations.
During the diagnostic stage, the next mental components of the generational community system were determined as the generalized indicators of mutual understanding in relations between generations: the social positions (entelechies) and habits of generations. The analysis of psychological and social influence in the mental system of generational communities on occurrence of complications in the relations, the determination of factors preventing or promoting mutual understanding in a dialogue were conducted with the cluster, factor and other methods of the system analysis with further integration of the information received in the course of technology designing for understanding optimization in the inter-generation space.
Because of absence of appropriate standardized methods for the diagnostic stage, the author has developed a questionnaire, which questions are aimed at obtaining of necessary information on key aspects of relations between generations: (1) determination of sample characteristics according to the socio-cultural historical area; (2) determination of social and psychological differences of the habits of different generations; (3) determination of characteristics of the generations’ social positions (entelechies); (4) determination of problems and factors optimizing the generations’ communicative space; (5) analysis of barriers and tools of mutual understanding in dialogical communication.
The presented choice of information searching can be grounded by the following ideas: firstly, understanding of a generation of a community is possible if the boundaries of territorial distribution of object’s effectiveness are determined and the object is not indentified at other territories (K. Mannheim) [8]. The study involved about 100 respondents from 16 to 70 years of different social status and educational levels belonging to the same socio-cultural historical area in Ukraine. Among the respondents, 13.7% were men, 86.3% were women. Sample distribution of respondents by sex, unfortunately, was not uniform, so gender analysis of inter-generational relations was not conducted.
Secondly, the study of inter-generation relations involved determination of common psychological characteristics ̶ a habit as a system of dispositions generating and structuring generations’ practices and ideas [1], because determination of specific features made it possible to analyze generations’ characteristics as for their relations.
Thirdly, the study organization took into account possible variability of generation impulses and behavioural principles that could be adequate to social situations and form new social positions and an unique image – generation’s entelechy. Therefore, a further study aspect was to define social positioning of generations’ entelechies, reflected in prevailing social attitudes, ideas, values of generational communities.
The fourth aspect of our study was based on the idea of O.M. Kochubeynyk [7] to analyze communication as a phenomenon organizing the social reality and reflected in peculiarities of functioning of the inter-generation communicative space – an environment of inter-generation relations. So, searching of ways and means contributing to transformation of the inter-generation communicative space into inter-generation communicative environment became the next aspect of our study: determination of problems, analysis of communicative barriers and searching of means to achieve mutual understanding in dialogical communication.
Thus, three generations were determined according to the methodological basis of our empirical research as a result of database clustering for the period from 1946 to 2016: Children (50.7%), Parents (30.1%), Grandparents (19.1%), which were divided into five segments according to performance by respondents of their social roles and a historical period of their formation:
- generation of Grandparents, who performs their appropriate social role, age of 70-56 years, the historical period of formation: 1964 – 1982, years of stagnation - stability (12.3% of respondents);
- generation of Grandparents, who mostly perform social roles of “grandparents – parents”, age of 55-48 years, the historical period of formation: 1983 – 1990, “perestroika” (6,8% of respondents);
- generation of Parents, who perform social roles of “parents - grandparents”, age of 47-34 years, the historical period of formation: 1991 – 2003, after gaining of independence by Ukraine (30.1% of respondents);
- generation of Children, who perform social roles of “parents - children”, age of 33-21 years, the historical period of formation: 2004 – 2012 after the Orange Revolution (8.2% of respondents);
- generation of Children, who perform social roles of “children”, age of 20-16 years, the historical period of formation: 2013 – 2016 after the Revolution of dignity (42.5% of respondents). But it should be noted that formation of the said generation has not been yet complete and habit characteristics are in the process of development.
The performed analysis of the diagnostic results as for social and psychological differences of habits and social positions (entelechies) shows the generalized characteristics of the mental systems of generational communities as an ontological determinant characteristic of psychological and social ties. The obtained results of manifestations and formation of generations’ habits and entelechies according to historical periods of formation-blooming-declining of different generational communities allow us to suggest possibility to project characteristics of generational communities of Children, Parents and Grandparents onto other historical times as universal ontological parameters of age transformations.
The performed content analysis of the question: "What complicates and what can improve understanding between generations?" determines cultural-historical, communicative, social-psychological aspects of the communication process, communication barriers and means to improve mutual understanding with partners, the factor analysis outlines five groups (factors) of variables having 68.072% in aggregate of the total variance that have the closest ties and form a matrix to improve mutual understanding during relations between generations, they can be interpreted as follows: communication is a must condition for understanding (17.463%); common interests of different generations, implemented in professional activities, promote mutual understanding (11.578%); respectful relationships in the "Parents - Grandparent" system promote mutual understanding (9,896%); understanding of age characteristics of Children and respect for Grandparents prevents complications at mutual understanding caused by difference in age (9,879%); mutual respect and understanding of age characteristics in the “Children – Parents” system promote mutual understanding (9.641%); a positive attitude contributes to inter-generational understanding (9.615%). Thus, there are next defined factors improving understanding between generations: obliging inter-generational communication, collaborative efforts, mutual respect, understanding of age characteristics in the inter-generational systems, and positive inter-generational attitude.
At the next step of our study of barriers and means of mutual understanding achieving in the form of dialogue in inter-generational system, five macro-parameters of dialogical barriers between generations were determined with the factor analysis (69.193% of total variance), they were interpreted as: disrespect in inter-generational relations (18.374%); conflicting relations (15.372%); lack of the culture of relations (12.289%); bad language (slang) used by generations in relations (12.151%); age distance between generations (11.007%).
Three factors including the most "loaded" variables of optimization of mutual understanding in a dialog between generations were determined explaining 62.266% of the total variance: tolerance and understanding between partners in a dialogue (25.495%); mutual respect of dialogue partners (25.049%); search of compromise decisions by partners in their dialogue (11,722%).
Thus, the results of the diagnostic phase substantiate that the conditions of deployment of dialogical communication at the level of relations of generations as small and large social groups includes mutual tolerance and understanding, mutual respect, partners’ desire to reach agreement by adopting compromise solutions. The determined already socio-psychological mechanisms for mutual understanding should be supplemented by conventional ones to address difficulties of mutual understanding in intergroup relations of generational communities or generations’ representatives and the state entering into social interactions. Indeed, in the case of a wide range of participants, effective resolution of social problems requires coordination of relations through use of negotiations between inter-generational groups that have unequal social status, rights, degrees of influence. So, we propose to use a social dialogue as a socio-psychological, conventional communicative tool to design a dialogical space for inter-generation relations as an additional tool to resolve communication problems of social character, resolve psychological complications and conventional misunderstandings.
At the final correctional and developmental stage, a psychosocial technlogy to dialogize relations of generational communities was developed to optimize mutual understanding on the basis of the obtained theoretical and empirical results. So, the technology, as the LM Karamushka [6] notes, is a system of "What" and "How" an objective is implemented in a particular kind of product during construction of optimal inter-generational understanding and can answer the next question: “What is the technology purpose?”, “By which means can the objective be achieved?”, ‘What is needed to achieve the objective?”, and it justifies the principles, conditions and means of achieving of the objective: understanding optimization in the inter-generational space.
The provisions for mental regulation of generational communities were developed in the base of the methodological characteristics of social technologies proposed by Yu.P. Surminym and N.V. Tulenkovym [8] to create prospects of generational relations/ Thus, the first group of technology principles includes provisions for responding to the request to design an algorithm of inter-generational understanding optimization; to check and test it; to form a legal base; to provide its systemic use, its flexible operation according to a social situation. The second group of technology principles (efficiency, goal-setting, consistency, synergy, diffusion, publicity, launch explosion, acceleration, related changes, implementation effectiveness, reliability, innovation, profoundness, self-development) includes provisions concerning interdependence and mutual influence of the social technology and principles of society life.
The answer to the following question (“By which means can the objective be achieved?”) risen during technology designing reveals the structure and elements of a social dialogue in the inter-generational relation system as a combination of communicative (definition and convergence of positions, information sharing, compromise searching and joint decisions) and conventional (reaching of common agreements, adoption of agreed decisions, concluding collective agreements) elements [4].
Directions of use in the technology designing of a social dialogue as a means of inter-generational understanding improving that should be implemented in a psychological aspect were determined. These are the directions: (1) concerning formation of communicative position of the mental system of generational communities, because a set of social positions (entelechies) of generations’ representatives present the group positions uniting generation and forming characteristics of communicative influence; (2) concerning organization of the system of communicative channels, both intra- and inter-generational exchange of information during relations and mutual activities due to flexible links; (3) for creation of motivation of generations as communicative agents to adhere to the compromise strategy to achieve a flexible changing dialogue equilibrium, to have the tendency in dialogical communication for a consensus as a tool of social problem resolving, making decisions based on a inter-generational consent. The possibility was substantiated to adopt, in the conventional aspect, a number of inter-generational consensuses as a result of the developed psychological communicative foundations: meaningful agreements in the environment of a certain segment or the whole society.
The answer to the question “What is needed to achieve the objective?” proposes an algorithm of actions to modernize the communication space of inter-generational relations based on the proved practicability of the 8-element system of communicative activities proposed by D.V. Bogdanov (an agent, an object, tools, a process, conditions, results, a system, and environment) [2]. Namely, it is includes: modernization of agents covering the process of modernization of social policy subjectivity through use of a social dialogue as a tool to ensure the participation of all generational groups in policy formation and implementation; modernization of objects based on the mechanisms of deployment of a social dialogue between communicative agents (generations): participation, parity, communicative competence; modernization of inter-generational relation means through introduction of the tools of communicative objects - psychological and pedagogical technologies for understanding optimization in the inter-generational space; modernization of the process through formation of dialogical qualities of the agents, implementation of socio-psychological learning of generational characteristics and foundations of communicative skill in the educational process, acquisition of conventional algorithms; modernization of conditions that is possible by investing at the state level for relations optimization in the inter-generational space; modernization of outcomes, which means development of control tools and identification of relations complications in the inter-generational space; modernization of the system through development at the state level of a regulatory framework to optimize relations in the inter-generational space; modernization of environment due to use of the relations optimization results obtained in the other areas that creates possibilities to transform the communicative space of inter-generational relations into the communicative environment.
Conclusions. Thus, systemic modernization of the communicative sphere of the inter-generational space can provide conditions for effective use of a social dialogue as a means for resolving of difficulties in relations between generations, for solving of actual issues of the “understanding” phenomenon caused by ontogenesis and sociogenesis of a person and mankind in the cultural and historical context, for examining of the “inter-generations understanding” phenomenon as a problem for socio-political and socio-psychological analysis.

1. Bogdanov D.V. The typology of the social communicative sphere of the modern society
2. Vodolazhskaya T.V., Katsuk N.L. Generations as subjects of the social and cultural space: problem statement and research opportunities
3. The Law of Ukraine On Social Dialogue in Ukraine // Journal of the Supreme Council of Ukraine.
4. Karamushka L.M., Klokar N.I., Bondarchuk, O.I. et al. The technology for educational institution employee training to work at socio-economic changes: methodological textbook.
5. Kochubeinyk O.M. Social dialogue: social and psychological preconditions of communicative abilities
6. Mannheim K/ The Problem of Generations
7. Surmyn Yu.P. The Theory of Social Technologies
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